- A seat in the Cabinet!
- You well deserve it, too.
You have got what we want so much
in political life - high character,...
.. high moral tone, high principles.
Everything that you have not got, sir,
and never will have.
.. cannot accept this offer,
Lord Caversham.
I have decided to decline it.
Decline it, sir?
It is my intention to retire at once
from public life.
Decline a seat in the Cabinet and retire?
I never heard such damned nonsense
in the course of my existence!
I beg your pardon. Will you prevent
your husband from making such a...
I think my husband is right.
I agree with him.
You agree?
- Good heavens!
- I admire him for it.
I admire him immensely for it.
I shall write at once...
.. to the Prime Minister.
If you'll excuse me for a moment,
Lord Caversham.
Lord Caversham.
What is the matter with this family?
There's something wrong here, eh?
Idiocy? Hereditary, perhaps.
Both of them, too.
Very sad indeed.
They're not an old family.
Can't understand it.
I suppose I'd better go back
to the Prime Minister...
.. and tell him Chiltern won't take the seat.
Not yet. I'd rather you took a seat yourself.
- What are you prattling on about?
- Go in there for a while, Father.
Second palm tree to the right.
The usual palm tree.
- I want you to talk to somebody.
- What about?
About me, sir, hmm?
Not a subject on which
much eloquence is possible.