Analyze This

Please, Mr. Vitti.
I don't know nothing.
They don't believe me...

...because once I said Joe
hit Dukey and he didn't.

I didn't know because Little Joe
looked like--

Shut the fuck up!
You know me, right?
You're Mr. Vitti.
You know what I'll
do to you if you lie?

You'll crack me on the head
with that pipe.

It's a rhetorical question,
you idiot.

I'll ask you only once:
Who killed Dominic?

-Who killed Dominic?
-I don't know!

-Who killed Dominic?
-I don't know!

I swear to God--
Don't fucking lie!
You little motherfucker!
Who killed Dom?

He don't know nothing.
Forget it.

That was relatively painless.
Shut the fuck up!
That hurt.
We're not going anywhere.
We've sat here for 10 minutes.
I hate being late.

I hate walking into
that house late.

Dad, relax.
You're like this because you're
mad we have to go to Grandpa's.

Please don't analyze me.
I can't be analyzed by somebody who,
until recently, believed in Santa.

There is one Dr. Sobel
in this family. Just one.

But there's two.
There's you and there's Grandpa.

You know what?
Let's talk about something else.

You gonna read
Grandpa's new book?

Mom says you won't
because you're jealous.

Does your mother talk about anything
else, or is it just me, 24 hours a day?

This is your mother's fault.
She knows where I am every second.

Get in!
If I point to you,
make believe your neck hurts.

What are you, a moron?
I'm sorry.
This was my fault.
