What do you need a shrink for?
It's not for me.
It's for my friend.
I'm gonna ask the shrink
some questions...
...and get some answers
for my friend.
Nobody can know. God forbid somebody
hears I been talking to a shrink.
It could be interpreted wrong.
Know what I mean?
No one will ever know.
-Could I just ask one question?
-Go ahead.
This friend...
...is it me?
Yeah, it's you.
Carl, I'm detecting a pattern.
You settle too easily for things.
You're right.
I do.
See, you just did it again.
I suggested something,
and you immediately agreed.
You're right.
I did.
Why do you do this?
I don't know.
I think it's your fear
of rejection or disapproval.
You don't have to
worry about that.
Be your own man.
Stand your ground.
You don't have to
let people roll over you.
Dr. Sobel?
We're in session.
Yeah, I know.
I'm sorry.
You're the guy I hit last night.
Get out of here.
Got a coat, nutbar?
-He's leaving.
He's not going till
he's done with his session.
-I'll give you $100 to leave.
-Don't take it.
-Make it 150.
He ain't that fucking crazy.
You were right.
I stood my ground.
-This was the wrong time.
-I got him up from 150.
-I'm proud.
-I feel like a new man.
I'm so happy.
I know you're upset about the car,
but you can't come in here.
This is a patient's private session.
You know me?
-No, you don't.
You seen my picture
in the paper?
-No, you didn't.
I don't even get the paper.
Jelly, wait outside.