Dr. Sobel?
We're in session.
Yeah, I know.
I'm sorry.
You're the guy I hit last night.
Get out of here.
Got a coat, nutbar?
-He's leaving.
He's not going till
he's done with his session.
-I'll give you $100 to leave.
-Don't take it.
-Make it 150.
He ain't that fucking crazy.
You were right.
I stood my ground.
-This was the wrong time.
-I got him up from 150.
-I'm proud.
-I feel like a new man.
I'm so happy.
I know you're upset about the car,
but you can't come in here.
This is a patient's private session.
You know me?
-No, you don't.
You seen my picture
in the paper?
-No, you didn't.
I don't even get the paper.
Jelly, wait outside.
Sit down.
You ain't got no bugs in here?
Recording equipment.
No, I don't record.
I take notes.
I tried to give him the insurance
information several times.
Several times.
He wouldn't take it.
Please don't kill me.
I was just gonna ask
if you like Tony Bennett.
I'm a big Tony Bennett fan.
Me too.
I like all Italian singers.
Mr. Vitti,
I know it's not your fault...
...but shouldn't we take this up
with our insurance companies?
That ain't it.
I don't care about the car.
I got a friend of mine... .
He's got problems, and he'll
have to probably see a shrink.
So I'll ask you
a couple of questions.
Go ahead, then.
What do we do?
What, we sit?
Whatever makes you comfortable.