Anywhere But Here

A chance of faith
A chance I'll take
Knowing it all will disappear
It ain't anywhere but here
All too often
The dreams I dreamed have died
[Chewing Loudly]
All too often...
Ann: My mother made
an amazing amount ofnoise

when she ate her food.
It was as ifshe was trying to
taste the entire world.

Sometimes I just couldn't stand her.
Sometimes I hated her.
Sometimes I thought
she was ruining my life.

What kept me going was knowing
that one day I would leave her.

I'll find it anywhere but here
Come on, baby, surfin' safari
Yeah, I'm gonna take you
surfin' safari

Yeah, I'm gonna take you
surfin' safari

Yeah, I'm gonna take you
surfin' safari

Let's go surfin' now
Everybody's learnin' how
Come on a safari with me
Ba la la la la la la
[Turns Off Radio]
I hate this song.
I love this song.
It's the Beach Boys.

I hate the Beach Boys.
Honey, how can you
hate the Beach Boys?

Nobody hates the Beach Boys.
They're too happy and sunny.
Well, you're gonna have to learn
to like happy and sunny,

because that's what
California's all about.

Oh, next stop, Salt Lake City. Yes!
Salt Lake City, Utah.
The capitol, right?

I don't care.
Oh, yes, you do care.
