Ann: Grandma always said
that my mom was a strange child.
Oh, this is absolutely moribund.
Gwen Purvis has cancer.
That's worse.
I didn't give it to her.
You didn't give it to her.
That's funny, Aunt Adele.
You're gonna die
one day, too, Mom,
just like the rest ofus.
But not in this town.
Ann: My mother never
wanted to stay in Bay City.
I think she married my stepfatherTed
because he was so nice
and so clean.
Being an ice skating instructor
made him seem cleaner.
She missed my real father,
who was Egyptian,
dark, and romantic.
One Christmas Eve
I heard my parents arguing.
[Car Door Closes]
[Engine Starts]
I didn't know anything
until he was gone.
He drove away in our brown Valiant.
I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You're awfully quiet.
You said we'd see
an Indian reservation.
When we get to one,
we will see one.
Sweetie, don't mumble.
How are you gonna be an actress
if you can't speak clearly?
I don't want to be an actress.
I bet we won't even stop
in Las Vegas, will we?
Ah, now, that's what's bothering you.
You said you had a number on him.
I said we would look him up, ok?
When you were 4 years old,
your father left you just
in the middle of the night.