So, what?
You left my stepfather
in the middle ofthe afternoon.
I miss Ted.
Nobody misses Ted.
He's boring.
Then why'd you marry him?
That's none ofyour business.
Besides, he was running
around with other women.
00:06:16,577 --> 00:06:18,704
That's not true.
You made that up.
You wanted him to
soyou could catch him
and take him to court
and get all his money.
You little snoop.
And Ted is not a homosexual.
I never said that.
Yes, you did.
Oh, no, I did not.
Oh, yes, you did.
Maybe I inferred it,
but I never said it.
"Light in the loafers"
is not exactly the same thing.
All right, Mother.
Ted said he loves you,
and that he was worried that
you were seeing other people,
which you probably were.
All right, that is it.
I have had it with you.
If you miss Ted so much,
you go find Ted.
Go on, get out ofthe car.
Out! O-u-t, out!
You said we'd see
buffalo in Nebraska.
There were no buffalo.
Tough shit!
Get out ofthe car!