Ann: Mom, this place
looks expensive.
Adele: I'll worry about that, ok?
Now that we're in Beverly Hills,
maybe you should change
your name to Heather.
Mmm, it smells so nice here.
How much is the room?
It's 1 ,200.
A night?
I don't know
that it's large enough.
Do you have anyvillas?
There are no villas
available right now.
Mom, I'm tired.
Where are we gonna sleep tonight?
[Sirens Approaching]
Adele: Sweet pea,
you arejust as pretty
as these girls on TV.
In fact, I think you're prettier.
[Knocking On Door]
Sweetie, areyou all right?
'Cause you've been in there
for over an hour.
Ok, well...
I'm gonna go to sleep now.
And I think maybe you should soon,
because you need
your beauty rest, ok?
Ok. Good night.
Ann: I miss everyone
in Bay City so much.
I don't know how
I'm going to survive
without my cousin Benny.
And my best friend,
good little Mary.
Serious Mary, Benny, and I.
We were inseparable.
Adele: Benny!
I made this for you.
Say good-bye to your cousin!
It's tin and painted on one side
with gold dust.
Not real gold dust.
We're ready to go!