Neat, pretty, good student."
I got 79 replies.
I never opened them.
I was afraid the temptation
would be too great.
Ann: It was our first Christmas
away from home.
Doyou customize scents?
No? Oh, that's a shame.
You should do that.
My mother paid enough ofour bills
so that we could buy
presents for everyone.
Ann: That's pretty cute.
What doyou think?
- Yeah?
- Mmm.
We didn't buy too much,
considering I love that store.
I don't know what to get Benny.
What did you get me?
Come on, you got me something.
I didn't getyou anything.
Oh, yes, you did.
What'd you get me?
I gotyou lots.
I'm dying to show it toyou.
No. Don't show me.
Ann, hi.
Isn't it obscene,
all this money being spent?
- Yeah.
- Hi.
Hi, I'mJanice Pearlman.
I'm in Ann's homeroom.
I'm Ann's mother.
She's my mother.
You--You look alike, you two.
- No.
- Oh, thanks.
No, we don't.
I look like my dad.
Just his chin.
I likeyour chin.
I do.
Anyway, listen, I got to go,
because my mother's
waiting over there,
but Christmas Day,
we're having a party at the house
from 4:00 to 8:00.
Will you come, both ofyou?
It's our annual thing.
- I--
- Thanks. That's sweet.
Well, please.
I'll tell you more at school.
Everybody's going to come, though.
- Seeyou later.
- Bye.
Ann: Everybody likes her.
She's on student council,
and her brother's the editor
ofthe school newspaper.
What does her father do?
I think he's a doctor.
Huh. Well, it might be fun.
You want to go?
Doyou want me to go?
I guess it'll
give us a chance
to kind ofshow ourselves off,
and the car is looking great again.
Her mom looked...
very elegant.
You're elegant, Mom.