Thank you.
Ok. Thank you.
Ann: When I was younger,
my mother always hummed
one ofmy father's tunes
before we went to sleep.
He wrote my mother love songs.
Sometimes, I would imagine my father
showing up to rescue me.
Hi, Ann.
Hello, Peter.
You got that
isosceles triangle thing straight?
That baffles me.
Hey, I got a new trumpet.
You want to see it?
I'm working, Peter.
Your mom's really pretty.
I'll tell her.
What's your dad do?
He's a songwriter.
I write some songs.
Yeah. You want to hear one?
Not now, Peter.
You want to feel my pulse?
It's beating really fast.
ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum,
ba-bum, ba-bum.
Really fast.
I don't understand.
I have been telling you forweeks
that the tiles are chipped.
There's no water pressure.
The handles are coming off
ofthe cabinets.