"I'm not Chinese, but I'm good at it."
Are many kung fu movies made in France?
"I know, it seems a bit impossible..."
but impossible things aren't
always impossible.
Fanny? Five minutes.
You should get going.
Can you cope with all your lines?
I'm used to it.
"Well, goodbye."
Sorry. I have a problem shaking hands.
I understand. What's your name?
Dos Santos. It was Portuguese.
"Bye, then."
Good luck.
"Faster, tang!
You're as stiff as your stick!"
Big oaf!
You'll never beat Wang Chu.
You stand no chance against him
...unless you learn from me.
Bring me a bowl of tea and sit down.
"You have fire and youth on your side,"
but you know nothing yet. Nothing!
You must continue working here.
Leave your family and friends.
It is the only way.
Are you listening?
"Yes, you!"
"You're a man of good will,
Mr. Dos Santos,"
but you still have far to go.
Hard work lies ahead.
"To do it, you must create a void
inside you."
Seek out new horizons.