Good afternoon.
I'm here to see Dr. Ling.
I am Dr. Ling.
Pardon me. I expected a man.
Follow me.
Now? Yes.
I have one quick question.
I'm free. This way...
just for a moment.
I'm in good health. Great health.
Please excuse my bad french.
"I'm taking lessons.
I'll be better soon, I hope."
I'll be taking lessons too.
In Chinese. Lots of people
speak it fluently.
What brings you here?
What's the problem?
I don't really have one.
"By the way, how much do you charge?"
100 francs. Okay?
Go ahead.
I'm a top-notch athlete.
I'm learning Chinese boxing.
To act in kung fu films.
It's fine. The training's
going normally.
"I have one handicap.
Trivial, but annoying."
What is the problem?
The problem is... touching.
Making contact.
We fight with one another and have to...
it's most unpleasant.
Contact? Shaking hands? Being touched?
"Yes. It starts where I'm touched,
then moves up."
"Up to my elbows is bearable,"
but sometimes it reaches
my shoulders and head.
Then I get dizzy and hot.
Hotter and hotter.