I don't really have one.
"By the way, how much do you charge?"
100 francs. Okay?
Go ahead.
I'm a top-notch athlete.
I'm learning Chinese boxing.
To act in kung fu films.
It's fine. The training's
going normally.
"I have one handicap.
Trivial, but annoying."
What is the problem?
The problem is... touching.
Making contact.
We fight with one another and have to...
it's most unpleasant.
Contact? Shaking hands? Being touched?
"Yes. It starts where I'm touched,
then moves up."
"Up to my elbows is bearable,"
but sometimes it reaches
my shoulders and head.
Then I get dizzy and hot.
Hotter and hotter.
"Then suddenly, I'm cold. Ice-cold."
Then I'm totally paralyzed.
Maybe it's no big deal.
Do you dream a lot?
I don't think so.
Are you a good eater?
I eat cereals and vegetables.
Mostly broccoli.
Are you color sensitive?
What colors do you like?
Why is that important?
"It helps locate your inner peace,"
but you don't have to answer now.
Show me your tongue.
Stick it out.
It's very white.
Very white?
Your energy isn't circulating well.
Is that bad?
Everything is curable.
Can you undress?
Do I have to?
The top?