I won't say it again.
"Come here, boy!"
"Then beat it, mutt!"
It's the last one. It's unique.
I've put it on to model it for you.
"It's warm in the winter,
and cool in the summer."
Top-grade silk.
Embroidered with flowers.
Japanese garden varieties.
"Imported from Xian. The silk route,
you know?"
How do you wash it?
"With water, either hard or soft."
Hand wash or dry clean?
That's up to you. It's your call.
You've missed a week. I was worried.
"We stayed open late.
Night sales, until 11 PM."
And the fish got food poisoning.
We had to treat them one by one.
Are you coming to the party tomorrow?
"It's tomorrow? No, I can't."
Or maybe. Monday's kung fu.
Shame to stop the treatment
now at the last step.
You abandoned your customer?
"No, she... you lost the sale."
Are you here to shop?
Just passing through.
Make yourself at home.
The seven seas keep us apart
...with tears in our heart