Augustin, roi du Kung-fu

And the fish got food poisoning.
We had to treat them one by one.
Are you coming to the party tomorrow?
"It's tomorrow? No, I can't."
Or maybe. Monday's kung fu.
Shame to stop the treatment
now at the last step.

You abandoned your customer?
"No, she... you lost the sale."
Are you here to shop?
Just passing through.
Make yourself at home.
The seven seas keep us apart
...with tears in our heart
"karukera, caledonia"
"ouessant, virgin of the seas"
"alone, always..."
the seven seas keep us apart
...with tears in our heart
good evening to all.
Thank you all from the
bottom of my heart.

"For 10 years, you've made
this place wonderful."

The nicest place in the area. Thank you.
"We're like one big, extended family:"
