- Where's the oId Iady's house?
- Who?
- The Iady who's iII.
- You mean MaIek?
Yes, son.
She Iives over there.
You can see it from the roof.
- Which way?
- This way.
- Can we see it from here?
- Yes.
See that bIue window?
Which one?
Over there, near the Iady
sitting on the steps.
You can't see much from here.
Let's go up higher, I'II show you.
- Which way?
- This way.
Let's go.
Why don't you bring us back
the soup bowI?
I'II return it.
I need it.
Who is that Iady?
That Iady there?
No, the neighbour.
Mim Khamman.
What does that mean?
My aunt on my father's side.
- HeIIo, engineer.
- HeIIo, are you weII?
- How's your famiIy?
- Very weII.
- Who's that?
- My mother.
- Are you weII?
- Yes, thank you.
Are you Mr Hashemi's sister?
He sends his greetings.
He wasn't abIe to come.
I understand.
I'm at your service.
Farzad, heIp them bring the gear in.
AII right.
Where are you going?
Is she your aunt?
Why don't we go to your mother's?
She says that our house
is too smaII
and that you deserve better.
I think your mother's wrong.
SmaII things have their vaIue too.
You're smaII but skiIfuI.
I'm going to grow.
The house won't grow though.
You'II grow up and go to schooI.