A fiIm by Abbas KIAROSTAMI
Where's the tunneI then?
We've passed it.
Someone's been sIeeping!
Where is it?
We've passed it, back near Biston.
We're heading nowhere.
Read the address to see where it is.
How many times do I have to read it?
After the junction,we take a winding road.
This is the winding road.
We're on it.
After this road, we head downhiII.
Then there's a singIe tree.
There are a Iot here.
- What's after that?- Nothing.
I know what there is. Nothing.
- Nothing?- There's a road near the tree.
I'II teII you what there is.
''Near the tree is a wded lane,greener than the dreams f Gd.''
What's after the tree?Read the address.
It says a taII, singIe tree.
There's a Iot on this hiIIside.
Is it very taII?
Yes, it says it's very taII.
It must be differentfrom the others then.
The singIe tree? There are so many.
They're aII on the hiII.
That's what it says here.
I don't think thiswiII get us anywhere.
There it is.
There, Iook, a singIe tree!
- Where?- Up there.