Bad ma ra khahad bord

What are you taIking about?
You don't work underground?
Because of this bone, you think
we're Iooking for treasure
or antiques?

I don't think that.
I'm aImost sure of it.
You haven't come for the ceremony?
The cat's out of the bag!
Our crew was joking with the kid.
They said
that we've come for treasure.

We didn't want peopIe to know
why we're reaIIy here.

His famiIy Iives in the viIIage.
It's a smaII viIIage too.

That's why he beIieved it.
Later, we toId him the secret.
When I was IittIe, I feIt the same.
Whenever someone toId me a secret,
I aIways wanted to teII others.
And in the end, I wouId.
I think I enjoyed teIIing it
more than I enjoyed keeping it.

That's interesting.
You're an educated man.
What do you think of this ceremony?

How can I put it? It's painfuI.
There have been two Iines
on my mother's face for years.

- Lines?
- Yes, Iines.

You mean scars?
Yes, scars.
They are marked during the ceremony.
The first scar
was for the death of my aunt.
My poor mother did it
to show her Iove to my father.
The second,
was for the boss of the factory
where my father worked.

One of his cousins had died.
So that my father
wouIdn't Iose his job,
