No, I beg of you,
give her the medication.
They're painkiIIers.
Two tabIets in the morning
and two at night,
dissoIved in water.
You said two in the morning
and two at night?
When you go to the chemist's,
you have to be very determined
or they won't give you everything.
Is it hard to come by?
That's not the issue.
Chemists are Iike that.
She's suffering, poor thing.
We can't do anything.
Let her take this and sIeep.
Doctor, what's wrong with her?
Oh, excuse me a second.
Speak Iouder. It's windy.
I can't hear you.
I can't hear you.
How do you know?
I said, how do you know?
I can't hear. Speak Iouder.
We were cut off.
You were saying, doctor...
What's wrong with her?
she's just oId and weak.
She's just a bag of bones
and she's not very weII at aII.
OId age is a terribIe iIIness.
Yes, but there are worse iIInesses.
- Death?
- Yes.
Death is the worst.
When you cIose your eyes
on this worId,
this beauty, the wonders of nature