No, I have exams.
I'II go with you to schooI.
AII right.
- There's no probIem?
- No.
Where's my camera?
AIi, where is it?
I haven't seen it.
Look in the gIove-box.
- Wait for me.
- Farzad, put the bread there.
HeIIo, engineer.
Farzad, wrap up the bread
or it wiII dry out.
WouId you Iike tea?
Yes, thank you.
My coIIeagues are sIeeping.
We'II have a waIk and come back.
Off you go.
Which way's your schooI?
This way and that.
You have two schooIs then?
No, there are two paths to schooI.
Where's the square?
This way.
You don't mind.
Come this way, I'II get my camera.
What a handsome white viIIage!
Why is it caIIed ''BIack VaIIey''?
The ancestors caIIed it that.
Can't you caII it ''White VaIIey''?
No, we have to caII it by its name.
It has to stay that way.
That's how it is.
''When yu're fated t be black...
''...Even hly water
cannt whiten yu.''
How do you know that poem?
Our teacher recites poems to us
from time to time.
For homework?
No. He recites and I Iearn them.
You must be a good student.
WeII done!
What grade did you get
in the third term?
We haven't finished our exams yet.