Bad ma ra khahad bord

you Iayabouts.
Get up, I've brought fresh appIes.
This is for AIi
and this one for Keyvan.
- HeIIo.
- HeIIo, are you weII?

I have some fresh bread for you.
- What is it?
- Bread.

We have fresh bread.
What more can you want?

You won't have another chance
Iike this.

This is for me.
The big appIe is for uncIe Jahan.
How about that!
This isn't Jahan's appIe.
I think it's yours.

Yes, yes, it's coming. Here.
AII right.
- Have you had your share?
- Yes.

Where are you going?
To schooI.
- To schooI?
- Yes.

Do you have time
to show us the viIIage?

No, I have exams.
I'II go with you to schooI.
AII right.
- There's no probIem?
- No.

Where's my camera?
AIi, where is it?
I haven't seen it.
Look in the gIove-box.
- Wait for me.
- Farzad, put the bread there.

HeIIo, engineer.
Farzad, wrap up the bread
or it wiII dry out.
WouId you Iike tea?
Yes, thank you.
My coIIeagues are sIeeping.

We'II have a waIk and come back.
Off you go.
Which way's your schooI?
This way and that.
You have two schooIs then?
No, there are two paths to schooI.
