Yes, heIIo... It's you.
I thought it was Mrs Godarzi.
I toId you not to caII me.
I'II caII you.
Godarzi caIIs me about work.
So why have you brought me
aII the way up here?
I'm sorry, go ahead.
ReaIIy? When?
I can't be there.
TeII them you couIdn't reach me.
How is she? Better?
HeIIo, are you weII, father?
I'm Iistening. I'II be home soon.
I've bought it for you. It's red.
Put mother on.
I have to taIk to her.
Listen, firstIy I'm sorry.
Then, my condoIences.
If someone asks for me,
say you couIdn't reach me.
They don't know I've hired
a ceII-phone.