It may interest you.
But personaIIy...
May I get out here?
- Where are you going?
- To schooI, this way.
I'II drop you.
I'II see Farzad too.
He has exams,
I'II see what he's done.
Sir, thank you.
Thank you again. Good-bye.
- Are those the exam papers?
- Yes.
- Don't be too harsh on them.
- I'm not.
TeII our IittIe coIIeague
to come and see me.
Excuse me!
- What?
- PIease do me a favour.
Don't teII Farzad
what we were just saying.
AII right. Don't worry.
Go on, get in the other side.
Hurry up, get in.
- I can't come now.
- Why?
I need one more answer for the exam.
What is it?
The fourth question.
- You don't know the answer?
- No.
Because I don't.
What was it?
''What happens to the Good and EviI
''on Judgement Day?''
That's obvious.
The Good go to heII
and the EviI to heaven.
- Is that right?
- Yes.