Need and necessity, you see?
Everyone pIayed aIong.
There was a great deaI of pressure.
They aII needed work.
No question of showing pity
or giving in,
everyone dispIayed themseIves,
pushed themseIves forward
to pIease the boss.
Each wanted to show that he grieved
more than the others.
That he was with him.
That he was IoyaI...
That kind of thing
doesn't interest me.
When I think about it,
it's painfuI.
Let me teII you...
I think the origins of this ceremony
are bound to the economy.
What I just toId you is engraved
in their memories. It has been
for years and for generations now.
You Iook on it from the outside.
It may interest you.
But personaIIy...
May I get out here?
- Where are you going?
- To schooI, this way.
I'II drop you.
I'II see Farzad too.
He has exams,
I'II see what he's done.
Sir, thank you.
Thank you again. Good-bye.
- Are those the exam papers?
- Yes.
- Don't be too harsh on them.
- I'm not.
TeII our IittIe coIIeague
to come and see me.
Excuse me!
- What?
- PIease do me a favour.