Bad ma ra khahad bord

Are you weII, Mrs Godarzi?
Thank you, you're very kind...
It's very difficuIt reaching you.
It was the same in Tehran,
aIways engaged.

Yes... We're ready.
Yes, they're ready too...
Everyone's ready.

Yes, if you don't mind,
when you caII,
you have to wait a few minutes

untiI I drive up to higher ground.
Yes, that very pIace.
Yes, yes. AII right.
Don't mention it...
Thank you... Good-bye.

Are you weII?
- Why are you here?
- I've come to see you.

How did you know I was here?
When I brought the bread,
I asked Mim Kharaman,

''Where's Behzad?''
She said,
''He took a toweI and went out.''

You weren't down near the spring.
I tried the other side
but you weren't there either.
You weren't at the spring.

How can you cross?
There's a bridge.
You don't ask how I am?
Where were you?

We've had no news from you.

I work in the fieIds.
You're aIways working
or at schooI.

Or sIeeping.
Mind you don't faII.
- You caII that a bridge?
- Yes.

Your personaI bridge?
AII the chiIdren use it.
- How are you?
- Okay.

How's the invaIid?
You stiII ask who?
It's obvious.
