It's a miracIe he survived.
He was Iucky.
The stone got stuck
before it struck his head.
Then some stones gave way.
He was trapped,
as if he was in a tiny ceII.
He needed oxygen.
If he gets oxygen,
he'II puII through aII right.
He was covered in dirt.
''lf my guardian angel
is the ne l knw,
''he'll prtect glass frm stne.''
Yes, that's a fine poem.
So the ''gIass'' remained intact?
Yes, it remained intact.
He'II be saved.
- Doctor, do you mind if I smoke?
- No, you shouId mind.
- What?
- You shouId mind.
Not me. It's no concern of mine
if you smoke.
The air is so pure here.
It'II take more than your cigarette
to poIIute it.
I onIy measure my strength
with my Iungs.
If you're in good heaIth, carry on.
Doctor, what's your speciaIity?
I don't have one. That way,
I Iook after the whoIe body.
If I speciaIised,
I'd be Iimited.
You must have
a Iot of patients then.
AImost no one.
I have to ride around,
Iooking at nature's beauty,