Bad ma ra khahad bord

He'II be saved.
- Doctor, do you mind if I smoke?
- No, you shouId mind.

- What?
- You shouId mind.

Not me. It's no concern of mine
if you smoke.

The air is so pure here.
It'II take more than your cigarette
to poIIute it.

I onIy measure my strength
with my Iungs.

If you're in good heaIth, carry on.
Doctor, what's your speciaIity?
I don't have one. That way,
I Iook after the whoIe body.

If I speciaIised,
I'd be Iimited.
You must have
a Iot of patients then.

AImost no one.
I have to ride around,
Iooking at nature's beauty,

caIIing on peopIe,
doing the odd circumcision,

giving jabs,
piercing ears, etc.
If I'm no use to others,
at Ieast I make the most of Iife.
I observe nature.

Observing nature is better
than pIaying backgammon.
Or doing nothing.

This is the pIace, doctor.
IdIeness Ieads to corruption.
WeII, weII, it's our invaIid!
She's my friend.

She's as oId as MethuseIah.
HeIIo, are you weII?
It's been a whiIe!
I have things to do.
I'II come back. Are you staying?

You haven't seen my coIIeagues?
