We can't do anything.
I can provide you with a pickaxe.
Our probIem can't be soIved
by a pickaxe.
If it couId, things wouId be easier.
One bIow of a pickaxe wouId do.
Instead of a pickaxe,
you can offer me some tea.
PIease, heIp yourseIf.
If you give me
your JuIiet's address,
I'II ask her to provide us
with miIk.
In the viIIage,
knock on any door
and they'II give you miIk.
I didn't find any.
Even at the sea,
there's no water for me!
Can't I ask her for some?
No probIem.
She's at Kakrahman's.
Go to the viIIage...
You'II find her there.
Kakrahman's house...
Ask anyone,
they'II know where it is.
Get in.
I'm not disturbing you?
You're weIcome.
- Are you weII?
- Fine, thanks.
Sorry to disturb you.
You're weIcome, it's my route.
I'II take you.
I often see you on this road.
- You're not a IocaI?
- No.
You seem to have probIems.
One probIem!
In any case,
every affair has its own probIems.
Anything over a hundred years oId
is considered an antique.