No. They feII out a Iong time ago.
Why is he your ''young uncIe''?
- How many do you have?
- Three.
- Are the others oIder?
- Yes.
Bravo. Where are they?
One is in Ahwaz,
the other in Kermanshah
and I don't know
where the third one is.
Don't they visit their mother?
Yesterday evening,
my uncIe toId my mother
that his hoIidays were over.
But they've faIIen out.
How did he teII her?
My uncIe speaks to her
but my mother doesn't repIy.
- The others aren't coming?
- No.
Yesterday, my uncIe
toId my mother
that he has to go back.
He's Ieaving then?
What about us?
I don't know.
I have exams that I have to take.
Apart from you,
we don't have anyone here.
I don't know. I have exams.
AII right, off you go.
I'II see what I'II do.
Thanks anyhow.
Take care.
AII right.
Have a good day.
I've brought water from the spring.
Thank you. I've brought fresh bread.
Thank you very much.
Put it over there.
I'II put it here!
I'II get breakfast.
I'II go and wake my coIIeagues then.
Yesterday, I asked
your sister to bring us miIk.
She probabIy forgot.
It was me.
No, I spoke to your sister.
No, it was me.