is a worId of communication.
Why're you here?
Yes, that's obvious.
I've never seen a woman
serve before.
Where did you spring from?
You have parents, don't you?
Who served your father his tea?
My mother.
Why say you've never seen
such a thing? AII women serve.
They have three trades:
by day,
they're workers. In the evening,
they serve and at night they work.
Except for your mother.
Thanks aII the same!
I've toId you time and again
not to park here.
Park next to the engineer.
When you start it up,
you poIIute the cafe.
You Iose me my customers.
Where eIse can I park?
Where the engineer's parked.
You choke us when you start it up.
We swaIIow fumes instead of tea.
I park right here.
You can't. You have no right.
It's my cafe, my territory.
You can't park your car here.
What's wrong?
Park where the engineer's parked.
What's going on?
It's my cafe, my territory.
Leave him aIone...
Mind your own business.
I go to a Iot of troubIe, I work.
Serving tea isn't that tiring!
There's a difference.
My tea reIaxes you.
Who takes care of me?
Are you tired?
I'm the one who's exhausted.
I've been out harvesting
in the bIazing sun,
in the fuII heat of summer.
Is serving tea that tiring?
So I'm not working?
I don't make efforts?
Your work isn't aII that counts.