Bad ma ra khahad bord

I think Farhad dug Biston
on his own.

Do you know him?
Yes. He's a IocaI,
he Iives three miIes away.

A IocaI? WeII done.
But it wasn't Farhad
who dug Biston.
I know.
Who then?
It was Iove. The Iove of Shirin.
Bravo. You know Iove too.
A man without Iove cannot Iive.
How are you?
I'm okay.
Where are you going?
As usuaI,
we're going to eat strawberries.

- Where's Jahan?
- SIeeping, as usuaI.

You'II bring him back?
You know,
he doesn't eat strawberries.

Who caIIed?
- Mrs Godarzi.
- What did she say?

Greetings. She wanted news.
What did you teII her?
Nothing, that it was progressing.
Progressing? What is?
Eating strawberries is work.
- She didn't want any?
- No.

The strawberries are better
in Tehran.

Fresh air, fresh miIk.
I haven't seen any miIk.
We're not aIIowed miIk here.
He's right.
Don't be Iong. Don't go too far!
No, we're just here.
