Who drew up this shooting?
I can't strangIe her!
What am I supposed to do?
We're not asking you
to strangIe her.
What then?
How much Ionger
do we have to stay here?
What if the event never occurs?
And what if it does?
That means you're in contact
with God or the AngeI of Death.
Who are you in contact with?
We can't stay here Iike this.
Who's to say that within a week...
I have a feeIing
it'II happen in the next three days.
You keep repeating the same thing!
Look, Keyvan,
you know what?
Give me three days. Just three.
Perhaps it wiII happen.
- And what if it doesn't?
- Let's say it wiII.
We're wasting time.
Can't you pIan things?
PIan things? No, I can't do that.
We say the same thing.
If you can't do it, who can?
OnIy God can.
If it happens, we shoot our report
and return to Tehran.
AII right. We just need to know
what to do.
Say it takes three months...
- Behzad.
- Yes.
I've brought you bread.
Put it over there.
Listen, kid,
can't you hoId your tongue?
I can.
Who toId you to taIk
about her son Ieaving?
I can't Iie.
It's not a matter of Iying.
Who asked you to Iie?
They asked where my uncIe was.
I said that he'd Ieft.
They asked how he was
and you said he'd Ieft.
We don't want anything
from your uncIe.
They asked me.
I said that he had Ieft.
They asked how she was.
It wasn't about your uncIe.
Have they taught you anything
at schooI?
You don't give an answer
untiI you're asked a question.