- How far does your schooI go?
- UntiI 11.
You want to keep on studying after?
I'II go to Momenieh untiI I'm 15.
For the finaI years,
I'II go to Kermanshah.
Where is it?
Over there, Iook.
It's over there. Look.
The bIue window.
- The bIue window?
- And that's her son.
I see, he's her son.
Where's the cemetery?
Up on the hiII.
I have to go.
I'II take the others to Hammad's.
Are you worried about them
or your book?
My book. I have an exam tomorrow.
You'II come back?
Yes, I'm going to the fieIds
to get my things.
Where's the engineer from?
Tehran or Hamadan?
Get up, you've sIept enough,