49 words for snow?
- Mm.
- It's because they have so much of it.
So much snow.
After dinner,
I'll show you my puppets.
After dinner, I'll introduce you
to my chimp Elijah.
He has an ulcer right now
due to suppressed childhood trauma...
- but we're working through it.
- [ Chittering ]
[ Whispers ]
- This the bedroom?
- Yeah.
[ All Laughing ]
The thing is,
the way that I see it...
is, I think the world is divided...
into those who go after what they want
and then those who don't, right?
- Right.
- The passionate ones--
the ones who go after
what they want--
well, they may not get
what they want.
But-- But...
at least they remain vital.
- Yeah.
- [Craig] Yeah.
So when they lie on their death beds,
they have, um... few regrets.
[ Spits, Laughs ]
And the ones who don't go
after what they want...
well... who gives a shit
about them, anyway?
- God! Craig!
- Lotte!
I don't find you attractive, hm?
And, Lotte...
I'm smitten with you.