Being John Malkovich

[ All Laughing ]
The thing is,
the way that I see it...

is, I think the world is divided...
into those who go after what they want
and then those who don't, right?

- Right.
- The passionate ones--

the ones who go after
what they want--

well, they may not get
what they want.

But-- But...

at least they remain vital.
- Yeah.
- [Craig] Yeah.

So when they lie on their death beds,
they have, um... few regrets.

[ Spits, Laughs ]
And the ones who don't go
after what they want...

well... who gives a shit
about them, anyway?

- God! Craig!
- Lotte!

I don't find you attractive, hm?
And, Lotte...
I'm smitten with you.

but only when you're in Malkovich.

When I looked into his eyes last night,
I could feel you peering out.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Behind the stubble and the too prominent
brow and the male-pattern baldness...

I sensed your feminine longing.
- And it just slew me. [ Laughs ]
- [ Laughs ]

Oh, my God!
Only as John, sweetie.

Hey, thanks for
a wonderful dinner.

No hard feelings, partner?
(m)[Stereo: Rock]
[Wind Howling]
- [Phone Rings]
- J.M. Inc.

Hi. It's Lotte.
I'd like very much
to see you again.

Can you call him
and invite yourself over?
