Hi, this is me,
and I'm here,
just entertaining some
last-minute reservations.
I thought maybe
you'd want to stop by.
Calling your
girlfriend already?
Hey, have her set me up
with a friend.
I could use getting laid.
Hey, bring a friend!
[Sirens Passing]
Bryce: I got
a joke for you.
There's this elephant
in the jungle,
and he's got a thorn
caught in his foot.
This mouse wanders by.
The elephant
stops him and says,
''I'll give you anything
if you take the thorn
out of my foot.''
The mouse goes, ''OK,
under one condition.
Afterward, I get
to fuck you up the ass.''
And the elephant
nods OK.
The mouse takes this
thorn out of his foot.
The mouse says, '' Hey,
we had an agreement.''
And the elephant
goes, ''OK.''
So the mouse jumps
on top of his back,
he starts
giving the elephant
his business, right?
And meanwhile,
there's a monkey
up above in the trees.
The monkey looks down,
and he sees this mouse
sodomizing this elephant,