How old are you, anyways?
You wear a diaper?
You wipe your own ass then?
You do? Good job. That's cool.
Come on, fall down. Fall down. Yes!
Come on, damn it.
You suck. You suck!
Check this out.
My God!
There's a stick there.
Somebody should move it.
All right now, what way
would you put that on?
This Columbo, he pretends
to be stupid...
...but he's really smart as a tack.
Oh, yeah, he is.
You put the vane on down there.
Then this boat comes up.
l wipe my own ass.
Me too.
So, Mr. Ass Wiper,
what's this guy's name?
Scuba Steve.
Does he ever take his flippers off?
What if he goes bowling?
They don't make him wear bowling shoes?
He wears flippers?
l had a doll like that at one time.
But my cat, he bite his head off.
What cat would do that?
You calling me a liar?
Hey, take it easy.
...Jets are playing tonight.
We're gonna go to the Blarney Stone.
Wanna come?
l've got more deliveries.
Maybe you can also finish
the turkey on your lip.
Right there.
Let's crank up the Styx.
No music during the game.
-lt's halftime. Relax, Mr. Herlihy.
-Goddamn Jets.
What are you doing in here, cutie?
Watching football.
-Who do you want to win?
-The goddamn Jets.
Have fun.
Too bad you don't like girls.
l think you could've had her.