Big Daddy

Sit still!
All right! l'm up!
lt smells like urine in this joint.
Good job.

What're you doing there, boy?
Making cereal.
Oh, yeah? Why don't you
pour me a bowl?

Or don't pour me a bowl. Either way.
l got it. l got it.
We can fix this.
lt's not a big deal.
Look. See?
See how quick it goes away?
Crybaby, come on.
Don't worry about it, boy.
Scuba Steve, damn you!
You think that's funny,
me getting hurt?

There's a bright side to being up
before 1 1 : McDonald's breakfast.

l haven't been up for that
in 1 0 years. You wanna go?

Tie your shoes, we'll go. Hurry.
lt's like 1 2 blocks from here,
so tie quickly.

Do you need help with that?
l can do it.
Let me do it.
You loop it, you swoop it and you pull.
