Big Daddy

l got it. l got it.
We can fix this.
lt's not a big deal.
Look. See?
See how quick it goes away?
Crybaby, come on.
Don't worry about it, boy.
Scuba Steve, damn you!
You think that's funny,
me getting hurt?

There's a bright side to being up
before 1 1 : McDonald's breakfast.

l haven't been up for that
in 1 0 years. You wanna go?

Tie your shoes, we'll go. Hurry.
lt's like 1 2 blocks from here,
so tie quickly.

Do you need help with that?
l can do it.
Let me do it.
You loop it, you swoop it and you pull.
You loop it, you swoop it, you pull.
Good. Let's go. We're in a hurry.
lt's different for your generation.
You've always had
McDonald's breakfast available.

l have?
When l was born, all we had were
the burgers and fries.

Maybe the fish sandwich. l'm not sure.
l'll get back to you.

What are you doing?
Oh, yeah, the hand-holding thing.
My dad took us to McDonald's
the first morning they had breakfast.

Everybody was baffled.
"Are these sausages or hamburgers?"

l have to go to the bathroom.
We're gonna be there
in a minute.

l gotta go now.
Didn't you pee enough in bed?
We only got nine minutes
to get there.

But l gotta go to the bathroom.
All right, let's go.
Can my kid use the bathroom
for a minute?

Customers only.
He's just a kid.
We'll be in and out.

That's not my problem.
lt's not your problem? All right.
Come on.
