Don't cry. Sorry.
l was cursing at the lady, not you.
Nice parenting.
Thanks. Are you my therapist?
Take a walk.
Do you want a Happy Meal?
You got a Happy Meal?
Will somebody
get the kid a Happy Meal?!
Where's my Egg McMuffin?
Breakfast is over at 1 0:30.
-Really? l thought it was 1 1 .
-l thought that too.
Total mind blower.
Will you just relax? Here.
What do you want me to do?
You're gonna meet Vanessa tonight.
You'll like her.
You wanna see me get hurt?
That'll cheer you up?
All right.
You think that's funny?
Good. No more crying.
Are you okay?
Next time, kill me.
Let's do it, Rangers.
--Rangers against
the Tampa Bay Lightning.
And at this stage...
... it's as close as you can get
to a must-win game for the Rangers.
Or they'll fall behind--
How you doing?
How you doing?
You like hockey?
You like hockey?
This is a big, important game.
This is a big, important game.
Cut the crap.
Cut the crap.
l'm serious. Don't do that.
l'm serious. Don't do that.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
That's what l thought. Shut up.
Don't you take naps?
Go take a nap.
l'm too hungry to sleep.
You want some food?