Big Daddy

Let's do it, Rangers.
--Rangers against
the Tampa Bay Lightning.

And at this stage...
... it's as close as you can get
to a must-win game for the Rangers.

Or they'll fall behind--
How you doing?
How you doing?
You like hockey?
You like hockey?
This is a big, important game.
This is a big, important game.
Cut the crap.
Cut the crap.
l'm serious. Don't do that.
l'm serious. Don't do that.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

That's what l thought. Shut up.
Don't you take naps?
Go take a nap.
l'm too hungry to sleep.
You want some food?
Having a kid is great...
:26:05 long as his eyes are closed
and he's not moving or speaking.

He's taken down! Penalty shot!
How you doing? You sleepwalking?
Why don't you go back sleepy?

Keep napping. What's this?
Kangaroo song.
That's terrific. And we'll watch this
after the game, okay?

But after my nap,
l always watch the kangaroo song.

lt's overtime, and there's
a penalty shot about to take place.

lt happens every 1 0 years--
Kangaroo song. Kangaroo song!
