l see. Hang on a second.
Come here.
Layla, if you don't come over
to Sonny's apartment tonight...
...there's a good chance
l'll develop a stutter.
P-P-P-Please don't do this to me.
-That is so cheap.
So l'm working in a tollbooth now.
l originally wanted to be
a male model...
...but l'm not very good-looking,
so that didn't work out.
l'm sorry to hear that.
l'm all right. l'm recovering.
This is my favourite part
of the song right here.
If I can't have you
Better keep it down low.
The kid's gonna wake up.
Too late.
Okay. Just hang out a little bit.
l'll be right back.
Don't go sneaking out.
-What are you doing?
-You forgot to say good night.
What do you mean?
l can't go to sleep
until you say good night.
l didn't know that.
l'm sorry. Good night.
Go to sleep now, all right?
What'd we learn about girls?
lnitiating the conversation
is half the battle.
Bingo. Now sleep, okay?
l gave him NyQuil.
He should be out for the night.
This is Styx. They've been
my favourite band since l was 1 2.
You're kidding me.
No, l can't help it.
l just love them.
My friends make fun of me.
My friends make fun of me too.
l've seen them 25 times.
Tommy Shaw, when l was 1 6,
l was at the concert...
...and he reached down,
pulled me on stage.
l did the robot voice for " Mr. Roboto."
No, l made that up. l'm sorry.
That would've been cool, right?
My cousin's friends
with their drummer...
...so when they come to town,
we go to dinner...