Big Daddy

What do you mean?
l can't go to sleep
until you say good night.

l didn't know that.
l'm sorry. Good night.

Go to sleep now, all right?
What'd we learn about girls?
lnitiating the conversation
is half the battle.

Bingo. Now sleep, okay?
l gave him NyQuil.
He should be out for the night.

This is Styx. They've been
my favourite band since l was 1 2.

You're kidding me.
No, l can't help it.
l just love them.

My friends make fun of me.
My friends make fun of me too.
l've seen them 25 times.

Tommy Shaw, when l was 1 6,
l was at the concert...

...and he reached down,
pulled me on stage.

l did the robot voice for " Mr. Roboto."
No, l made that up. l'm sorry.
That would've been cool, right?
My cousin's friends
with their drummer...

:43:58 when they come to town,
we go to dinner...

...and they tell us stories
from the road.

No, l made that up again too.
l'm sorry.

You're not attracted to, like,
60-year-old guys, are you?

Yeah, l don't like them either.
l can't sleep.
He can't sleep.
So the rabbit ran across the street...
...because he thought
he saw some carrots.

But when he got across the street...
:44:33 turned out they weren't carrots,
they were peanuts.

The peanuts belonged to a squirrel...
...who had taken them home
from a baseball game.

And then the rabbit
thought to himself...

..." Carrots, peanuts,
what's the difference?"

So he asked the squirrel
if he could have some.

And the squirrel said, "Of course."
And the rabbit was very happy
to make such a nice new friend.
