Blast from the Past

Just look at you.
Any day now.
Say hi to my sister
Ruth and her husband.

Tell me
if you've heard this one.

A duck walks into a drugstore.
He says,
“I’d like some lip gloss.”

The clerk says, “Certainly, sir.
Will this be cash or check?”

The duck says,
“Put it on my bill.”

Oh, brother.
He was the golden boy
professor at Cal Tech...

But then he started
inventing things.

He suddenly became very rich.
And that was it.
He quit teaching.

-How's that?
-Just what the doctor ordered.

Calvin spends
all of his time out there...

Tinkering around
in the workshop.

If you ask me,
it's all very strange.

Same is true of batteries.
I could take
a simple yacht battery...

And rig it
to last a decade, easily.

Say, Helen,
what does Calvin think...

About this trouble down in Cuba?
Oh, for heaven's sakes,
please don't bring that up.

I’d say my baseball card
collection is as complete...

As any one I’ve ever seen.
Kennedy is going
toe-to-toe with Khruschev...

On television right now.
Ooh, boy.
On the island of Cuba.
Unmistakable evidence
has established the fact...

That a series
of offensive missile sites...

Is now in preparation
on that imprisoned island.

Tower, this is Wolf One. I got
five miles to the overhead.

Wolf One, Tower.
Report the numbers.

You're number one
for the overhead.
