I am the head of this household!
I want him to see the sky!
We will!
The ocean! A mountain!
Do as I say!
Oh, Adam! Oh, my goodness!
Let's get him to the bedroom!
He seems to be doing
all right now.
I don't know
if he had a heart attack...
or just
a horrifying experience...
but we need supplies,
and Ive got to stay with him.
Ill go up.
Im afraid you must.
Ill be all right.
My brave boy.
Just act normal.
lf anyone asks, simply say...
Im from out of town.
Im here on business.
Write that down.
Now, Im going to give you
a shopping list and some money.
We'll need just enough to get
through the next year or two.
You'll find most
of these items...
at what used to be called
a grocery store...
or a hardware store.
Write that down.
I don't know how far you'll have
to travel to find supplies...
but if you can't get home
by nightfall...
I want you to look for something
called a Holiday Inn.
Its a hotel. Write that down.
There might still be one
left standing.
Well, let's get you packed.
Just hope
this is still good up there.
-Say, Mom?
-Yes, dear?
I was wondering...
while I was up there and all...
I was thinking,
well, you know...
I was wondering
if maybe I could...
meet a girl.
Ive been thinking about that
a little.
Just these last fifteen years
or so.
Adam, it would be wonderful
if you could meet a girl...
one who's not a mutant...
and hopefully
comes from Pasadena.
Nothing against valley girls,
but in my day anyhow...
girls from Pasadena always
seemed a little bit nicer.
Oh, and, son, there's also
something called a liquor store.