Blast from the Past

You'll find most
of these items...

at what used to be called
a grocery store...

or a hardware store.
Write that down.

I don't know how far you'll have
to travel to find supplies...

but if you can't get home
by nightfall...

I want you to look for something
called a Holiday Inn.

It’s a hotel. Write that down.
There might still be one
left standing.

Well, let's get you packed.
Just hope
this is still good up there.

-Say, Mom?
-Yes, dear?

I was wondering...
while I was up there and all...
I was thinking,
well, you know...

I was wondering
if maybe I could...

meet a girl.
I’ve been thinking about that
a little.

Just these last fifteen years
or so.

Adam, it would be wonderful
if you could meet a girl...

one who's not a mutant...
and hopefully
comes from Pasadena.

Nothing against valley girls,
but in my day anyhow...

girls from Pasadena always
seemed a little bit nicer.

Oh, and, son, there's also
something called a liquor store.

Write that down.
”Liquor store.”
Yes, father?
Don't forget.
Stay out
of the adult book store.

Poison gas.
Don't forget.
