Blue Streak

When was the last time
you got all up on this thing?

l've never gotten all up
on anything, sir.

Sometimes you gotta feed
some speed to your ride.

Sir! Watch it!
This is the police!
Move your busted-ass vehicle!

Move, move, move, move, move!
This is the LAPD.
We'll pop one in your ass.
We got guns and shit.
l could get used to this!
l like!
l like!
Used to what?
Driving. See, my last partner
did all the driving.

Who was your partner?
l don't wanna talk about it.
Hey, look, I'm deep, okay? There's
just some places l can't talk about.

We're partners. We gotta communicate.
This thing's like a marriage.

No, this is nothing like a marriage.
-What is it like?
-lt's more like a one-night stand.

Wham, bam, thank you, officer.
-lt's like that?
-lt's like that.

We're just gonna fight crime
and zip the rest of that shit up.

Are you married?
-Not anymore.

What happened?
Work got in the way.
Somebody took out a fire hydrant.
