
Then I studied at the Moscow Arts Theater
for two years...

...and did a year at the National in London.
I'm currently doing a midnight production
of Waiting for Godot here in L.A.

And are you in the union?
Yes, I am.
Currently, I'm packing fries
at the Burger King on Douglas.

-Do you have experience in film?
-Quite a bit, actually.

Quite a bit of experience.
I'm an active renter at Blockbuster...

...and I attend the Film du Cinema...
:45:38 much as possible.
Weekly, biweekly, inter-weekly,

Would you be willing to cut your hair?
Yes, but it's usually better
if someone else does it.

I've had a few accidents.
-Can you see without your glasses?
-Yeah. I can see.

I don't really see well, but I can see.
-Do you have contacts?
-I have contact lenses.

I can wear contact lenses. That'd help.
-Can I put my glasses back on?
-Sure, put them back on.

I'm getting a little headache.
Would you be willing to show
your naked rear end in a movie?

Yeah, I guess so.
-This is hard.
-Just one more question.

In addition to being a star in this film,
would you also be willing to run errands?

I'm really hoping
to get a career running errands.

That'd be a major boost for me.
