Will you shut the fuck up?
Goddamn it. What the hell are you doing
to me? We're all backed up in here.
Look at this guy. Looks like he needs
the works. What's wrong with him?
- You should know. You pronounced him.
- You told me he was dead.
- Flatline.
- He got better.
[Sighs] I hate pronouncing people
dead over the phone.
Yeah. Better, huh? They're fixed
and dilated. This guy's plant food.
We stole a stretcher from X ray, so
put him in three next to the overdose.
All right, look. He's our lowest
priority now. He shouldn't even be here.
All this technology. What a waste.
[Griss] Leave that dope alone.
The doc'll be out in a minute.
- Could find out what's going on?
- Please, folks, step back.
Please, folks, step back.
I've already told you two to step back.
- Mister...
- Don't make me take off my sunglasses.
First-time heart attack. He should've
gone to C.C.U. ten hours ago.
We got three bodies up there
just like the one you brought in.
Over there, two AIDS patients.
One is 12 and filling up with fluids.
Mother won't sign
the "Do Not Resuscitate."
"Mercy killing"doesn't
translate well in Spanish.
It's a sin to have to tube that kid.
We got three more O.D. s from this new
killerjunk they're calling Red Death.
What's in it?
It's a mix of heroin and I don't know
what else. An amino acid, maybe.
This stuff is so strong, they're
drinking it with grain alcohol.
You need ten times
the usual amount of Narcan.
And when they wake up, watch out
'cause they're liable to go nuts on you.
- He one of'em?
- That's Noel. He used to be a regular.
I haven't seen him for a while.
He seized and almost coded.
I gave him a hypertonic solution.
He drank so much
his kidneys were taking out salt.
- That's one for the textbooks.
- Doc, you're the greatest.
- You gotta help me.
- Can you give this guy water?
Noel, I am helping you.
You drink any more water, you could die!
[Woman] Hazmat, three's coding.
We got a flatline here.
Start C.P.R. Milagros, get me an epi.
Odette, wake up Dr. Stark.
Tell him we're gonna need him stat.
400 joules. Clear!
You want water? I'll give you water.
- What a pain. Just get out of here.
- 600 joules.
- Clear!
- So you get drunk and fall down.
Why should we help you? You'rejust
gonna get drunk, fall down again.