Buena Vista Social Club

I was ignored, so I lost touch
But I wasn't going to starve
I polished shoes, cleaned the
streets, sold lottery tickets

I had a family to support
I'm not ashamed to say that
We moved from Santa Clara
to Havana

But being in the capital
made me feel insecure

I said to myself "There are
lots of pianists in Havana"

So, I started studying
other things

Playing other instruments
But it turned out that
one of my neighbours...

...was a man calledcame to know as Arsenio
He had a great band
And he heard me play
But Arsenio was blind
Not from birth
He had an accident
and lost his sight

Anyway, one day he said:
Ruben, would you like
to join my band?

I said yes, of course
He'd had a pianist who'd left
He'd gone to Europe
I played in Arsenio's band
for about four years

I had a few hits
